IKEA a.i.r.

1980s - 1990s

Ikea is known for their inexpensive and (occasionally) easy-to-build home furnishings. But in the ‘80s, they tried something that turned out to be full of hot air: inflatable furniture. The idea made sense: it was basically weightless and environmentally friendly since it reduced the use of raw materials and transportation costs. But the valves leaked, so the furniture needed constant re-inflating, and having a ceiling fan meant your living room was always in danger of being rearranged. Deflated, Ikea pulled the a.i.r. They briefly reintroduced the line for children’s furniture 10 years later. But it, too, turned out to be pretty flat.

Additional info:

Fastcompany.com - Sometimes an idea is so good you have to try it and fail–twice

Download the PDF: The Amazing Fiasco with IKEA a.i.r.


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