Synthetic Trachea


The surgeon Paolo Macchiarini pioneered a new medical technology, using a synthetic trachea coated with the patient’s own stem cells. The prestigious Karolinska Institute in Sweden received massive global attention, and Macchiarini became an international superstar for turning the dream of regenerative medicine into a reality.

But it all ended in tragedy as the artificial trachea did not work. Macciarini was convicted of clinical misconduct and research fraud. The scandal cost many people their lives, and seriously damaged confidence in Swedish clinical research.

In their frenzy, Karolinska’s management refused to listen to anyone who voiced concerns about this exciting new technology, and they grossly neglected ethical issues as well as patient safety. This medical innovation failure teaches us the importance of listening to the critics, however uncomfortable their message may be.

Macchiarini was in 2023 sentenced to prison.

Additional info:

Vanityfair - Excellent long-read article: The celebrity surgeon who used love, money, and the Pope to scam - Paolo Macchiarini: A surgeon’s downfall


Orbitoclast - lobotomy tools


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