Thirsty Dog! & Thirsty Cat!

1994 - 1994

Like many of the products at the Museum of Failure, this one was a bad idea from the very beginning: bottled water for pets. Thirsty Dog! and Thirsty Cat! contained spring water fortified with vitamins and minerals, and they were intended to replace the ordinary tap water in a pet's bowl. The water was available in two flavors: Crispy Beef flavor for the dogs and Tangy Fish flavor for cats. 

Had the products lasted a little longer, we might have seen new flavors such as Half-Flushed Toilet and Last Night’s Leftovers. If you’re the type that wants your pet to have the best, fear not: there are still people who have not entirely given up on the idea - an Australian company now sells Pet Pops, a vitamin-enriched soda pop for pets.

Additional info:

Nytimes - Pet Waters

Not a whole lot of other information on this fantastic product...


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