UroClub: urinal + golf club


The UroClub looks like an ordinary golf club, but it is a cleverly disguised urinal. First unscrew the leak proof cap, then clip on the privacy towel to your belt, fumble around under there a bit, and then stand there and try to look like you’re pondering your next move. The little towel-like piece of fabric that hangs down in front of your pants is called a “privacy shield”. It ensures that nearby lady golfers are not offended. It is recommended that you practice at home in front of a mirror to boost confident use. 

Urologist Dr. Floyd Seskin invested over $300,000 in the UroClub, and in 2009 Kevin Harrington invested another $25,000 on an episode of the TV show Shark Tank. Low budget late-night infomercials reduced the status of the UroClub to a funny gag gift for that golfer friend who already has everything.  

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Amazon.com - buy one now!!!!


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