Nylon - failure to appreciate failure
Researchers in the early German polymer labs occasionally left a Bunsen burner lit over the weekend.
No Man’s Sky
“The worst game of the year”, “Biggest lie of 2016”, “Disappointment of the year”
Pacemaker - pocket dj
A portable DJ device that could mix tracks, beat match, and crossfade.
Teleguide - Swedish Minitel
With the French Minitel as a model, this major investment was expected to be a huge success
Bofors toothpaste
Nothing fosters confidence in dental care like a brand specializing in weapons. In the 1960s...
NHS National Programme for IT
An integrated digital patient record system would reform the way that the NHS uses information technology.
Thalidomide disaster
Thalidomide was a pharmaceutical innovation that caused severe birth defects.
Hysteria and its treatment
Do you sometimes feel nervous, irritable or sad? If you are a woman, then you might suffer from hysteria.
Orbitoclast - lobotomy tools
A lobotomy was a surgical procedure to treat psychiatric symptoms by destroying brain tissue in the prefrontal cortex.
Synthetic Trachea
The artificial trachea did not work. Macciarini was convicted of clinical misconduct and research fraud. The scandal cost many people their lives
iBOT Wheelchair
This is not a wheelchair. This is an extraordinary machine that will liberate millions of people.
Psychological debriefing
Psychological debriefing was a new form of psychological treatment introduced to prevent these psychological problems.
Facit - calculator
Although Facit’s management new big changes were happening, they did not invest in development and innovation.
Sinclair C5 - electric scooter
The C5 was a commercial flop. It had poor battery life, lack of weather- proofing and was frustratingly slow.
Segway - people mover
The expectations for the Segway were huge: »Segway will be to the car, what the car was to horse and cart.«,